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Tips for tracking your goals and efforts

How will I keep record of what I am doing? How will I remember my goals? How will I find time for them in my schedule?


  1. Schedule time for activities into your day (IE during my lunch break I’ll call both my Senators or Saturdays I take a break from the news). Put this into a calendar, planner, etc.

  2. Put your goals or something to remind you of them somewhere visible (could be a planner/calendar, notebook, post it on your computer)

  3. Make little notes to remind yourself to take care of yourself up in places you will see them (bathroom mirror, car dashboard, fridge, computer or phone wallpaper). This could include spiritual texts, psalms, poems, inspirational quotes, funny memes, pictures of puppies-- whatever works for you).

  4. Keep an ongoing list of what you have accomplished. I am a paper and pen person, so I like to write it in a notebook. For others, it might be a note on your phone or a word document on the computer. Having something tangible to look at is super helpful when you are doubting yourself and feeling discouraged.

  5. Make a Commitment:

Make a written agreement to yourself to stick to a plan (sort of like a contract with yourself). Below is a template you can use if it is helpful for you.

I will resist by _________________________________________________________________

I will take care of myself by _______________________________________________________

I will take care of others by _______________________________________________________

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