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So what if I'm not taking care of myself

If you are anything like me (and in this instance I hope you are not) you may be thinking "yeah, I have some of those warning signs-- but why does it matter? I don't have time to take care of myself, there are too many bad things happening, a "tax-plan" that isn't a plan, a healthcare law that is just tax cuts for the wealthy, a recurring Muslim ban that despite being struck down by the courts is still being stressed by our President and his squad. There is civil unrest around the globe, an increase in hate crimes in the United States." And there are probably about 1000 other things people will be mad that I didn't include in that list. What a time to be alive!

Here's the thing: part of your hypothetical statement that I made up above is correct. There are too many bad things happening. But that doesn't mean that you can risk not taking the time to care for yourself.

If we all push ourselves to the point of burnout, we will be burned out. (I know-- so insightful) Meaning: we won't be able to do anything anymore, at least not without taking a big activism-free hide-in-the-woods break. And it's not as if the rollback of regulations, rights, and reasonableness is stopping any time soon. We need to be

growing our movement, not shrinking it as people collapse mid- marathon.

All of this is to say, you should want to take care of yourself for you. You should want to be healthy and happy. But sometime we are not there. So take care of yourself for the good of the resistance itself. We need you strong for the years ahead.

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